CulverCareers Inside Sales Recruiters

Experienced inside sales recruiting

They know your products and services inside and out, with an emphasis on the insider approach. Inside sales representatives join your office crew, playing a vital role in securing new business, nurturing leads and supporting existing client relationships.

When you work with our inside sales staffing agency, you can boost your hiring efforts to find the sales professionals who fit the insider role. We’re the matchmakers who can pair you with the inside sales employees you’re proud to introduce to your boss.

Do you need new inside sales talent?

If you plan on anyone finding out about your products and services, you need the sales talent to be the trusted liaisons between your company and its clients. The more hard-hitting question is whether your team would benefit from inside or outside sales talent.

Inside sales representatives work in the office, selling from the comfort of their desks. They’re the kind of people who aren’t afraid of cold calls – and they have a stellar knack for articulating concepts via phone, email, virtual meetings and other digital communication channels.

Rather than heading out to meet with clients face-to-face, inside sales reps utilize modern tools of the trade to build a winning rapport with new and existing customers. When you hire top inside sales performers, they add a variety of assets to your sales team, including:

  • Expert interpersonal skills.
  • Product and service knowledge.
  • Acute listening skills.
  • Strong organizational methods.
  • Goal-oriented mindsets.

Whether you’re looking to build your sales team, revive your talent or hire a new leader, our inside sales recruiters can secure these quality candidates for a speedy and seamless hiring process.
Request Inside Sales Talent

Why work with CulverCareers inside sales staffing agency?

When CulverCareers enters the scene, our experienced inside sales recruiters connect you with the top performers who can power your sales team with skills, experience and fresh energy. Our inside sales staffing agency takes the legwork out of your candidate search, so you can skip right to the interview stage.

Highlights on CulverCareers’ resume include:

  • We’re in the top 1 percent of recruiting firms in North America (and it’s been that way for the last six years).
  • We’re a two-time Diamond Award Winner (only the best for our clients).
  • Our recruiters specialize in niche markets to provide expertly targeted searches (we’re not creepy, but we know a thing or two about your world).
  • We bring more than 30 years of experience to the table (no cobwebs included – we’re just as fresh now as we were when we started).

You need sales talent to work their magic – and our inside sales recruiters can connect you with the quality employees who can perform with admirable success.
Let’s Get To Work

What kinds of inside sales roles can we help you fill?

Sales Representatives

From initial interest to proposal to close, inside sales representatives work to sell a company’s products and services, reaching sales quotas with the help of a reliable phone and advanced web conferencing tools. Responsible for various accounts, these sales professionals manage all communication with their clients, track account progress and prepare reports for sales leads.

Our inside sales recruiters look for candidates who have the selling capabilities and charming interpersonal skills to succeed under various job titles, such as:

Inside Sales Veterans

With plenty of years of experience delivering quality sales numbers on their resumes, these inside sales reps display the skills and expertise needed to climb the sales ranks. Reserved for established sales professionals, these senior and executive roles are for the best in the industry.

At CulverCareers, our inside sales recruiters have access to the industry leaders and executives who are the perfect fit for the role, even if they aren’t actively looking for new positions. These inside sales veterans can fill crucial roles, such as:

Industry Specific

You don’t want just any inside sales talent – you want the candidates who know what they’re talking about. Whether they have experience in the field or are quick to learn, your inside sales reps must be as fluent in industry lingo as your clients and customers are – while also providing the detailed information those consumers want to know.

That’s why our inside sales staffing firm works to find top performers with the industry-specific experience that allows them to succeed in the role, filling positions for companies with focuses such as:

At CulverCareers, our inside sales recruiters understand the nuances that distinguish this selling method from outside sales. We can find the candidates who not only have the selling chops and relevant knowledge, but who also have a strong working knowledge of the modern technologies that make inside sales a success. They’re the voice of your company’s products and services, which is why we take finding the right candidates for your inside sales positions so seriously.

As a leading inside sales staffing agency, CulverCareers can match you with the leading sales professionals who meet – and even exceed – your selling needs and match your company culture to a tee.

Ready to Build an Elite Inside Sales Team?

Your future inside sales employees can boost sales, support business growth and strengthen customer and client satisfaction.

Hire Top Inside Sales Talent