CulverServices Population Health Management

In the contemporary business world, there has been an increase in focus on employee health and wellness. Today, the best companies understand that healthy team members are also the most productive employees. With this notion in mind, these same operators work tirelessly to ensure that the health of their employees is always at the forefront of their businesses. 

Government agencies, community networks, and healthcare professionals have also put notable energy into developing new standards of health and wellness. These efforts have led to the implementation of population health management solutions in businesses, hospitals, and communities. 

Within the business world, nearly all reputable operations offer some sort of healthcare for their employee teams. Yet, within most businesses, the topic of health only comes up within Human Resources departments when they are negotiating schedules related to sickness or injury. 

Due to the amount of time that people spend at work, firms are paying more attention to the impact of the work environment on overall health. While this notion might seem intimidating, forward-looking businesses are looking at such studies as opportunities to improve productivity. Not only will population health management services keep your employees healthy, but they will also help your company’s financial situation.

What is Population Health?

Population health should be thought of as a holistic approach to healthcare that integrates data sources, interdisciplinary studies, and concise management plans to improve overall wellness within an organization. 

Looking at modern medicine, a vast majority of our energy is spent treating illness and disease. However, we pay very little attention to preventative measures that could be taken to avoid such health problems in the first place. This fact has inspired various organizations to implement population health systems. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, population health is a “customizable approach that allows health departments to connect practice to policy for change to happen locally. This approach utilizes non-traditional partnerships among different sectors of the community – public health, industry, academia, health care, local government entities, etc. – to achieve positive health outcomes.” 

With such a holistic approach, population health systems seek to fill the gaps in health coverage while also educating individuals about preventative medicine. Looking to the business world, more and more corporations are implementing population health management plans to propagate healthier and more efficient employees. This uptick in productivity also leads to better financial standings. 

What are the 4 Components of Population Health Systems? 

While there is a diverse array of organizations that utilize population health programs, most of them share the same fundamentals. These criteria should be understood by your management team. 

Focus on Primary Care

When many people hear the term “primary care,” they assume it is referring to a primary care physician. However, the term is used to describe far more than a single doctor – it actually refers to a patient’s total experience with a given healthcare system. 

When implementing popular health protocol within an organization, you must focus on the primary care that employees receive. This care includes more than doctor visits, it also encompasses the guidance and advice your employees get from medical professionals. In focusing on such topics, this research will give you a glimpse into the strong points and shortcomings within your program. 

Data Analytics

As seen in most facets of modern life, data plays a huge role in population health platforms. It is important to use technology to track important data related to employee health and wellness. 

When you develop an understanding of different health trends within your organization, management can develop actionable plans for improvement and prevention. Even more, you can regularly audit your organization with “health and wellness checks.” 

Strong Management 

In order to implement a successful population health plan, you need strong management that will direct the program from the top down. By putting an emphasis on employee wellness, strong management will make the program a priority throughout your business. 

Good management practices will also ensure that different departments within your organization are working together to meet wellness goals. 

Preventative Medicine 

Once you have the infrastructure in place for a population health program, you should employ preventative medicine tactics within your corporation. This strategy is designed to promote healthier living within your employee team, with the overall goal of lessening sickness and injury. 

As seen with other elements of population health, you should track relevant data and set actionable goals on preventative medicine. In doing so, you will better understand what practices are working to help team members. Even more, you can better establish good patient engagement practices. 

Contact CulverCareers to discuss implementing population health protocols within your organization.

What is an Example of Population Health? 

The concept of population health originally began in the medical field. In order to find gaps in coverage, as well as develop wellness protocols, health organizations and communities began compiling medical data on certain segments of people. With this data in hand, they set forth to implement effective healthcare care for these people. 

A great example of population health can be found with the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP). The organization provides directions for employers to follow in creating programs to curb diabetes. Importantly, by helping employees avoid diabetes, businesses can increase overall productivity and avoid expenses related to sickness and disease. In this case, important factors to consider are diet and exercise.

What is a Population Health Services Organization? 

Population health services organizations are independent entities that focus exclusively on developing best practices related to population health. These organizations can be found in both the private and public sectors. 

Population health services organizations are focused on improving the health of particular people by observing individuals within the group. These organizations utilize data analytics to present a holistic view of employee health within the operation. The goal of this process is to increase employee wellness while decreasing healthcare costs. 

Certain companies operate as independent partners who advise on the implementation of population health programs. In conjunction with Human Resources departments, these consultants will help your business get on board with these comprehensive platforms.

What Does Population Health Management Mean? 

Population health management means taking proactive steps to implement population health protocols within your organization. Within both hospitals and businesses, population health management is an increasingly favored health care methodology. While the exact features of a population health management platform will change from organization to organization, all of them are aimed at controlling health costs and improving employee wellness. 

Successful population health management programs must be embraced and promoted by your executive team. Once employee wellness is a well-known priority within your business, you should begin amassing data on employee health. With this data, you can educate team members on healthy life choices and ensure they are well-versed in primary care protocol. After you have implemented appropriate initiatives, you should monitor their progress through regular health and wellness audits.

Why Should You Work With CulverServices?

As human resources professionals, CulverServices knows the sorts of company infrastructure you need to attract top talent. A population health management plan will not only boost productivity within your operation, but will also help you build a winning team. 

Contact Us for guidance on developing employee wellness services at your operation. 

Are You Ready to Implement Population Health Protocols in Organization?

Contact us for guidance on developing employee wellness services at your operation.

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