CulverCareers Sales Recruiters in San Jose

Voted the 14th best place to live by US News, San Jose isn’t a hard-sell to most job candidates. But as a sales recruiter, it’s a highly competitive market for top talent. With Adobe moving to downtown San Jose, and IBM in Santa Teresa, San Jose is widely considered a part of Silicon Valley.

The San Jose Airport calls itself the Silicon Valley Airport, and in the eighties, the mayor of San Jose wanted to coin the city “The Capital of Silicon Valley.”

With shoes like that to fill, job recruiting in San Jose is a high-stakes game of headhunting full of savvy employers, so it’s essential to understand the market history and trends. Culver’s San Jose sales recruiters can help you navigate this complex market and bring you continued success.

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University Pipeline and Passive Job Seekers

With nearby universities such as the University of California, Berkely; the University of California, Santa Cruz; San Jose State University; San Francisco State University; California State University; East Bay, Santa Clara University; and Stanford University; San Jose has no shortage of young, eager engineering and computer science graduates flooding the market.

But along with its extensive pipeline, San Jose houses numerous tech giants such as IBM, Qualcomm, and Hewlett-Packard, just to name a few.  Because of the large number of established companies, it can be difficult for a startup to attract quality talent.

With an average median income of $113,036, and a job market index score of 9/10, you can see why. Finding active job seekers can also be difficult because of the low unemployment rate at 2.6%.

That’s why Culver’s job recruiters can help you navigate the market to find passive job seekers. These candidates may have accepted positions at established companies. But after experiencing a larger company, they might prefer a more meaningful, challenging role at a small business. The reverse could also be true; after having experienced working for a smaller business, they could be on the lookout for something larger.

Industries in San Jose 

The good news for non-tech startups is that San Jose is a hub for many industries, including manufacturing (87,162 employed) and health care and social assistance (65,612 employed). It may come as a surprise that manufacturing is the leading industry (16% of the job market) in San Jose, despite its reputation for tech companies (13.2% of the job market).

Because San Jose has a diverse economy, job recruiters can help businesses find talent that fits their company needs. San Jose recruiters know the demographics of the San Jose job market and know how to introduce companies to the right job candidates.

Benefits of Hiring a Sales Recruiter in San Jose

Because of the intense competition for top talent, it’s important to give yourself as many advantages as possible when you’re hiring. If you don’t hire the A players, you can bet your competitor will.

Fill Your Positions Faster

You can’t afford to leave your C-level positions open. The market is simply too competitive. San Jose has a high number of sales management positions, so sales management candidates have no shortage of jobs waiting for them. You have to act fast if you plan on landing talented candidates.

Culver knows how to fill your sales management positions with capable candidates quickly. We know where to look, and how to reach passive job seekers. Using skilled headhunters to hire professionals gives you a much-needed competitive advantage.

Leverage 3rd Party Endorsements

When you use a 3rd party recruiter, you benefit from an outside source endorsing your business. There are three primary ways to leverage 3rd party endorsements to job seekers.

Building Credibility

Having a third party endorser by way of recruitment shows candidates that your business is credible, relevant, and has company resources. In a crowded market like San Jose, this is essential.

Validating Your Product

When sales recruiters endorse your product, they build your reputation. Even if you don’t land the top sales executive, it helps to be in the running. Word of mouth spreads fast, a valuable marketing tool wIth San Jose’s extensive university pipeline.

Broad Exposure

Regardless of whether you’re tapping into the passive job seeker market or the active job seeker market, third-party recruiters help brand recognition.

The more people you have recruiting for you, the quicker word gets out about the position you’re trying to fill. When you have other experts touting your reputation, recruitment acts as a catalyst to fill sales positions.

Find San Jose Sales Talent

Common Misconceptions About San Jose Sales Recruiting

There are a few common misconceptions companies have about San Jose sales recruiting. The first objection is that you can complete the recruitment process on their own.

We Can Do It On Our Own

Companies often shoot themselves in the foot by trying to do too much in the hiring process. With changing compensation rates and a highly-skilled labor force, hiring in San Jose is not easy. Companies who think they need to do everything in the recruiting process bog themselves down in labor they could outsource.

Companies underestimate how challenging it is to find real sales talent in any market, let alone San Jose. The San Francisco market is right next door, and others like Los Angeles and San Diego are also nearby. It’s vital to remember you’re not just competing with San Jose companies.

You also have to consider that graduates from prestigious universities such as California, Berkely, and Stanford field job offers from companies worldwide.

You have enough to worry about with expanding your business and making sure you’re on the pathway to success. You don’t need to worry about whether you’re reaching the right job candidates. Let a highly qualified, professional recruiter do that for you.

It’s Too Expensive

At first, job recruiting can seem expensive, but when you account for how much profit it leads to, it’s a small price. When you use headhunting, you equip your team with the best sales experience in the market. And if you have the best sales team in the market, you improve your bottom line.

No successful business can afford to wait to fill crucial sales positions. If you’re looking for an exact number of lost profits from turnover, in 2015, 253,586 unfilled jobs in the tech industry lost a whopping $20.1 billion for companies.

Spending money upfront to save money in the long run is always a sound strategy.

Culver’s Proven Track Record 

Culver has a 40+ year track record of success and would love to bring that success to your team. We have the highest net promoter rating among sales recruiting firms, and we know how to cater to job candidates and employers.

Don’t prolong the hiring process and miss out on the top sales talent in the market; click here to get started with Culver today!

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