CulverCareers Product Management Recruiters

Let Us Pair You With A Top Product Manager

Every company should understand the product or service that they offer. They should have extensive knowledge about the scope of competition in the market and the problems they are trying to solve for their customers. From strategic planning leadership to UI design to product marketing, there is one role that is involved every step of the way of this process; The product manager.

Product management was born from the concept of branding and has become even more important with the incorporation of technology into every aspect of life. In most companies, the communication gap between the IT or engineering departments and the marketing team and sales force is cavernous and needs to be bridged by a professional who understands both sides of the industry.

Finding and recruiting a product manager can be a difficult challenge, especially since a great product manager goes above and beyond to truly own their product. They take responsibility for its success or failure and are there every step of the way, from researching consumer needs before development even begins, to surveying customers post-release and implementing design changes and updates over time. They act as a director of all processes involving their product and have strong executive decision-making capabilities.

CulverCareers’ product management recruiters know where to find the best professionals who are skilled in the many areas necessary to successfully handle every element of this role. 

What Does A Product Manager Do?

Honestly, a better question might be “What doesn’t a product manager do?”. One of the things that can make finding a skilled product manager so challenging is all of the different hats that a product manager is expected to wear.

While exact responsibilities will vary, mostly based on how many employees your firm has in its product management department, here are some examples of responsibilities a product manager or product executive might be in charge of:

This list is just the beginning when it comes to all of the job duties expected of a product management professional. The ability to play such an important role in so many areas of product development, marketing, strategic decision-making, and management requires certain skill sets, and our product management and executive search recruitment professionals know how to find the talent out there capable of such dynamic and comprehensive management.

How CulverCareers Finds The Best Product Management Talent

Of course, you may find that all of your product managers have been product managers their entire careers. However, depending on the exact specification of the role you’re looking to fill, our product management recruitment professionals are highly skilled at finding candidates with strong, transferable skill sets. Our executive search team often discovers skilled marketing executives who are looking to transition into a more product-heavy or cross-functional role, and product management is perfect for them. Additionally, UX and UI designers who have found that they are building an interest in the full scope of product development can be a great addition to any product management team.

The larger your team, the more diverse the skill sets and areas of expertise you will need to fill. CulverCareers maintains an immense network of both passive and active product management and executive talent, meaning that our executive search firm professionals can more easily find candidates with the exact skill sets you are looking for.

Product Management Roles CulverCareers Can Help You Fill

Depending on the size of your organization, you may have just one product manager in charge of all elements of the product management process. For a larger organization, you might have a multi-tiered team, from associate product managers all the way up to a chief product officer. No matter the size of your product management team, our product management recruitment professionals can help you fill any and all roles.

Product Management Roles

Some roles we can help fill include:

  • Chief Product Officer
  • Senior Vice President of Product
  • Vice President of Product
  • Director of Product
  • Senior Product Manager
  • Group Product Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Associate Product Manager
  • Product Owner
Product management recruiter

We understand how each of these roles impacts your product team, along with the special skills and expertise needed at every level of product management. Because of our in-depth understanding of the traits necessary for each product management position, we can help you search for and find the absolute best person for the job. Whether you need a top executive who knows how to present ideas to the C-suite and investors or you are looking for a jack of all trades who would be great at linking the engineering and sales departments when it comes to new product development and sales, our product management and executive search recruiters have got you covered.

Our Track Record of Success

Recruiting the best and brightest product management talent is no simple task, but CulverCareers is up to the challenge. And don’t just take our word for it — our numbers speak for themselves. We are proud to have the highest net promoter score (NPS) in our industry. Our top scores are indicative of the holistic approach that we take to product management recruiting. We not only find the absolute best people for each position. We work with both our clients and candidates every step of the way to ensure the best fit and increase retention.

Some highlights to CulverCareers’ resume:

Let CulverCareers’ experienced product management recruiters join forces with you to recruit the best of the best in the product management field. Our executive search firm’s vast network of both passive and active candidates provides our clients with a wide array of great product managers to review when selecting possible employees to interview. Take advantage of our 90-day satisfaction guarantee and get started building the product management team of your dreams today.

Ready to hire an elite product manager?

As a leading product management recruitment firm, CulverCareers can match you with professionals who complement your needs and culture.

Hire An Elite Product Manager