Your company has just decided that you need to hire a marketing professional. What is the best way to go about this? You could post the listing on an online jobs site, advertise in a local newspaper or possibly get the word out to your staff and offer a referral incentive. But are these effective ways to quickly and efficiently find the best talent for your organization? You’re busy trying to run your business and likely don’t have the time to create an effective job description, determine the best places to advertise that will attract the most qualified candidates and then weed through what may be hundreds of resumes, trying to find the best people to interview.
There are many benefits of a marketing recruitment agency when it comes to discovering and bringing fresh new talent onboard.
Why is Effective Marketing Recruitment Important?
The recruiting process is the key to growth.
Your business is only as strong as your employees — their skills, industry knowledge, professionalism, resourcefulness and ability to satisfy the demands of your customers and clients. There are many desirable qualities in the ideal marketing professional that can’t always be seen at first glance in a resume, which is why the recruiting process is so important. Superstar new hires will take your business to profitable new heights.
The ability to target, motivate and hire top talent will lead to continued growth.
A business owner or manager may understand what they desire in an ideal candidate, but they may not know where to look or how best to communicate their requirements and preferences. They might also not be skilled in presenting their company’s strengths and opportunities to properly motivate potential candidates, nor in deciding who is the best fit. Not presenting positions properly or not choosing the best people can lead to poor fits or high turnover, both of which will waste valuable time and decrease efficiency.
An efficient yet thorough process will lead to strong results.
The key is to ensure that all qualified candidates are brought to your attention, while not getting bogged down in the process. The recruitment process can be strenuous and time-consuming, so efficiency is extremely important.
Current market conditions demand agility in the hiring process.
With unemployment low and the battle for the top talent becoming more competitive, your company must have a streamlined process that ensures you are putting your best foot forward in how you present your company to candidates, how you express the job requirements and desired skills, and the value of the candidates you bring in to interview.
What is Effective Recruitment?
For marketing recruitment to be effective, there must be a streamlined process in place with clear objectives. In this way, your team can scale quickly and smoothly as is needed, to keep up with the demands of the marketplace. An effective strategy means that you’re in constant communication with top employees, supervisors and managers, so that you can plan accordingly and are ready to hire when the need arises, rather than having to scramble suddenly as a reaction to unexpected events. In this way, you’ll be able to attract and retain the most dedicated, qualified and talented full-time employees to power your business.
What Are the Benefits of Using a Recruitment Agency?
In a marketing recruitment agency, trained career recruiters stay apprised of the latest trends in the industries they serve, and they’re always on the prowl for highly qualified candidates. Staffing services use online job boards and social media, in addition to phone calls and emails, to look for talent. They’re highly adept at navigating the current employment marketplace, vetting talent and streamlining the entire hiring process.
Benefits of using a marketing recruitment agency includes the following:
1. Increases the bench of candidates by targeting the passive population.
Recruiters will occasionally reach out to highly qualified individuals that meet their client’s requirements, even if those people are not actively seeking employment. These may be very desirable candidates, since they have current industry experience, and they may be interested, once they learn about the company and hear the offer. According to LinkedIn, just 12 percent of the workforce is actively looking for a job, yet 85 percent is open to learning about a new opportunity.
2. Decreases the time to hire.
A recruitment agency employs seasoned professionals who are focused all day, every day, on the front end of the recruiting funnel. Recruiters have an existing talent pool of highly qualified individuals that they can pitch the job to, which streamlines the vetting, interviewing and hiring process. In the case of staffing agencies that specialize in marketing, they’ll already be in touch with top marketing professionals in the area.
3. Improves the quality of the hire.
Most recruitment agencies specialize in certain industries or functions, so they’ll already have a connection with the top talent in that field. Because of their expertise, recruiters will likely know right away which candidates are the best fit for a specific position in your organization.
4. Maintains a professional appearance.
Particularly in the case of a new startup, some organizations may not have in-house recruiters. Using a professional recruitment firm ensures that your company always maintains a professional appearance throughout the hiring process. An impressive operation attracts equally impressive talent.
5. Takes full advantage of third-party endorsement.
A recruitment agency can offer third-party advice and guidance to candidates, making the interviewing and hiring process run far more smoothly. Professional recruiters can answer questions from candidates and hiring managers, so that each party knows what to expect and what is expected of them, without any discomfort on either side.
What Does a Marketing Recruitment Agency Do?
Recruitment agencies are hired by employers to find the best candidates for the job from a pool of highly qualified talent. Often confused with employment agencies, which cater to job seekers, a recruitment agency serves the employer.
A professional recruitment firm:
- Identifies specific backgrounds that best fit the job requirements.
- Targets candidates that are passive (not actively looking for employment), as they will likely be currently working in the desired field with valuable job skills and may be interested in hearing about an exciting new opportunity.
- Motivates passive candidates to visit the company for an interview.
- Screens and vets the candidates so that the employer can focus their time on a select handful of hopefuls. This saves the hiring manager a lot of time that they would otherwise spend digging through possibly hundreds of resumes to find the best people to meet with.
A Strong Partnership for the Best Results
Working with an outstanding recruitment agency as part of your company’s recruitment strategy is like having a first-rate hiring agency in your office. Ideally, these professionals will integrate seamlessly into your organization to provide you with the best service that’s attuned to your unique needs and requirements. The result of this partnership will be extremely highly qualified, motivated talent that will become valuable assets to your business.
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